So the beginning of the month I go out and buy my months worth of food. Although I would looove to be one of those people who can use coupons to get $1000 worth of food for like $100, I sadly am not. I do know that the price of food had to have gone up because my monthly "allowance" of food of 450 has gotten me NOTHING! I usually get the store brand/off brand vs the Nabisco, Pillsbury, etc. name brand only because a lot of the time I can get a whole lot more. But still, some days I can maximize my savings that way and I guess this month was just not my lucky month. I blame it on the holidays.
While surfing Pinterest, I found a pin talking about a "family's guide to $250/month to groceries" and HAD to check it out. Come to find out it was an E-Book that you can get for free if you post it in your blog.

I am willing to try anything at this point. Anything that can get my monthly budget to stretch the entire month.
You should too! The opportunity to spend LESS in the grocery store cannot pass ANYONE by!
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