I remember, when I was a kid, a family friend taking us to go and pick strawberries. I don't remember it very well, but definitely have the faint memory of us bending over a bush and picking. A week or so ago while on Facebook, I saw a friend's pictures of her family at a local fruits and vegetable farm. After I saw this, I was determined to go.
Yesterday, I woke up early in excitement to go. And of course it being the weekend, so were the kids. I was so excited I was dreaming about it! But I dreamed it was raining and we didn't get to go! Yikes, glad that didn't happen. I forgot I had invited my sister, so after waiting at out local McDonald's for about 2 hours, we were READY to go!!
The fields were located right behind this little store. After going in, and being greeted by DELICIOUS samples of their homemade smoked sausage we headed towards the back. After purchasing a bucket and going over the rules, we were free to go.

The strawberries were beautiful. I'm used to seeing them in the store, where they're about to go bad and have bad spots. These we're just perfect.

There were just rows and rows full of the bushes. It seemed never ending.

And like I said before they had a little store in front. I'm guessing this was like a farmer's market type store, hint the name "fruit & vegetable farm" haha. I wish I was able to browse some more, everything looked so delicious. Huge onions, homemade fried pies, chocolate covered almonds & raisins .. Even a smokehouse just right next door.

Excuse the nail polish! I got smart and tested a polish on my thumb .. have yet to make the effort to clean it off. haha
This was a great way to spend the Sunday. Had I known my mother had the day off, it would've been a full family event.