Saturday, October 29, 2011
Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tooth Fairy
Think of all the milestones kids go through, multiply those by three. Now usually it wouldn't be that big of deal: first steps, first words, etc. But what about teeth?! I don't know how many teeth we have *starts counting* like 20 something? But now multiply THAT by three! And think, a dollar a tooth! Now in our house the tooth fairy occasionally forgets. But I once told one of the boys (who lost 3 teeth within a week), when the fairy forgot, was to write a note asking for more money. He was a six year old kid already doubting the reality of the tooth fairy!! So that day she left two dollars.
Well now, since January, my daughter finally loses her third tooth. I told her to leave it on her dresser because the tooth fairy couldn't get up that high in her loft bed. Well looks like she forgot again! Well her brother came up to her and said, "if you write a note, the tooth fairy gives you more money."
So this is her letter:
Dear Tooth Fairy,
I think that you missed me, or I think you was giving the dollars to other kids and you ran out of dollars.
Oh my! If the fairy keeps getting letters like that, I'm sure she'll go broke REAL quick!
Well now, since January, my daughter finally loses her third tooth. I told her to leave it on her dresser because the tooth fairy couldn't get up that high in her loft bed. Well looks like she forgot again! Well her brother came up to her and said, "if you write a note, the tooth fairy gives you more money."
So this is her letter:
I think that you missed me, or I think you was giving the dollars to other kids and you ran out of dollars.
Oh my! If the fairy keeps getting letters like that, I'm sure she'll go broke REAL quick!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Wordless Wednesday - Halloween Woes

I know this is "WORDLESS" but I have to set the scene ..
His Superman costume had a miniature fan to blow up his muscles. He wouldn't go around with it on, until I made him so I could get a picture. And then he would say "I'm fat!"
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Ancho Chile Shrimp Soup
While stumbling upon ... well STUMBLE UPON haha, I found this recipe for a shrimp soup.
Hubby has been a tad obsessed with soups lately and Sunday has been branded "Seafood Day" (not really, but it sure does seem like it!) so I figured, when I found myself awake early this morning, I would go out and get the things for this. My only fall back, considering I know little-to-nothing about cooking, was not knowing the difference between ancho chile powder and chili powder. I stood in the seasoning aisle of my local grocery store, just staring down the spices for a good ten minutes. So I grabbed the chili powder in hopes it wouldn't really make a difference and while I was at it, grabbed the ancho chile pepper.
This soup is so delish! I'll be posting the normal recipe, but I tweaked a bit to make a tad more.

1 Tbsp olive oil
1 onion, diced
3 stalks celery, sliced
2 peeled carrots, sliced 1/4” thick wheels
1 green bell pepper, diced 1/2”
1 yellow zucchini, sliced 1/2” thick rounds
1 green zucchini sliced 1/2” thick rounds
3 cloves garlic, minced
2-3 tsp ancho chile powder
1 1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp salt, to taste
1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes in juice
8 C chicken broth
1/2 C corn kernals
1 lb Shrimp, peeled

Now first thing's first, considering I wasn't working with ready made chicken broth, while chopping up the veggies, I put a pot on and for every 2 cups of water I used one cube of chicken bouillon. I brought the water to a boil and let it simmer, til the cubes dissolved. I set it aside and got to working from the beginning.
First, I take my pot and drizzle in the olive oil. I take the first batch of ingredients (the veggies) and brown 'em up a bit.

After 2-3 minutes, I go ahead and pour in my seasonings (I ended up adding some of that ancho chile pepper in there, along with the salt), tomatoes and broth. Bring to a boil and then lower the heat.

Let simmer for 15-20 minutes. Once the veggies are slightly tender, bring it back to a boil and throw in the shrimp and corn. This next step won't take that long. After about 3 minutes, or once the shrimp have gone pink. Once your shrimp is cooked thoroughly you may serve!

Hubby loved it with diced onions & jalapenos and squeezed lime.
I tell you, I just loved eating the veggies and the actual soup itself. All day I was making myself little bowls of it. Yummy!
Hubby has been a tad obsessed with soups lately and Sunday has been branded "Seafood Day" (not really, but it sure does seem like it!) so I figured, when I found myself awake early this morning, I would go out and get the things for this. My only fall back, considering I know little-to-nothing about cooking, was not knowing the difference between ancho chile powder and chili powder. I stood in the seasoning aisle of my local grocery store, just staring down the spices for a good ten minutes. So I grabbed the chili powder in hopes it wouldn't really make a difference and while I was at it, grabbed the ancho chile pepper.
This soup is so delish! I'll be posting the normal recipe, but I tweaked a bit to make a tad more.

1 Tbsp olive oil
1 onion, diced
3 stalks celery, sliced
2 peeled carrots, sliced 1/4” thick wheels
1 green bell pepper, diced 1/2”
1 yellow zucchini, sliced 1/2” thick rounds
1 green zucchini sliced 1/2” thick rounds
3 cloves garlic, minced
2-3 tsp ancho chile powder
1 1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp salt, to taste
1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes in juice
8 C chicken broth
1/2 C corn kernals
1 lb Shrimp, peeled

Now first thing's first, considering I wasn't working with ready made chicken broth, while chopping up the veggies, I put a pot on and for every 2 cups of water I used one cube of chicken bouillon. I brought the water to a boil and let it simmer, til the cubes dissolved. I set it aside and got to working from the beginning.
First, I take my pot and drizzle in the olive oil. I take the first batch of ingredients (the veggies) and brown 'em up a bit.

After 2-3 minutes, I go ahead and pour in my seasonings (I ended up adding some of that ancho chile pepper in there, along with the salt), tomatoes and broth. Bring to a boil and then lower the heat.

Let simmer for 15-20 minutes. Once the veggies are slightly tender, bring it back to a boil and throw in the shrimp and corn. This next step won't take that long. After about 3 minutes, or once the shrimp have gone pink. Once your shrimp is cooked thoroughly you may serve!

Hubby loved it with diced onions & jalapenos and squeezed lime.
I tell you, I just loved eating the veggies and the actual soup itself. All day I was making myself little bowls of it. Yummy!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Men ...
Today marks our seven year wedding anniversary. I knew he wouldn't remember but I didn't want to call him up at work and try to explain what today was, so I just sent him a text message.
"feliz aniversario!"
happy anniversary
That was at 6p .. I hear nothing back. :( As it got time for him to be home, a good 20 minutes had passed and he still hadn't made it. I remember making up my bed (yeah I wait til the end of the day for that .. I'm bad I know) and thinking "I don't want to call ... maybe he's out buying me something!!" haha one can wish, right?
Before going on you should know .. a) Aunt Flow b) extreme exhaustion & c) tooth pain that only vicodin can handle, roll this into one and you've got a ticking time bomb. Just keep this in mind.
Well after changing the baby's diaper that the smell had filled up the whole room out into the hall, and dealing with two seven year olds fighting with each other, that whole thought went out the window and I got impatient. I called him asking where he was and I guess I had a tone to my voice and he wanted to know why I was freaking out on him. Why couldn't I be all "Hi honey how was your day? Are you on your way?" I bring up that why hadn't he called me back, that how did he not know what today was. I'm already starting to cry here - remember that time bomb? While on the phone he had mentioned that he hadn't ate anything all day, that it was really busy at work and was hoping maybe I had made him something. I didn't even think about this earlier while cleaning up and dealing with the kids, so as soon as I hung up I made something simple as tortillas with ham and cheese. It's one of his fave "dishes" and it was fast.
He comes home, strolls into the kitchen and looks over my shoulder and just makes a face. "I'm not hungry" Apparently, on his way home, he decided to treat himself to his own anniversary dinner - I guess I lost my invitation in the mail? Tacos from Taco Cabana, which so happens to be one of my favorite places .. Wait! You didn't hear that explosion? You had done forgot about the ticking time bomb already?!
I had long ago forgave him about forgetting our anniversary. There's really no use in trying to make him remember. He can call me and I barely miss his call, I return it within two minutes and he can't even remember why he had originally called me. But to stop and get something to eat ... and not bring me any?! Of course I'm sitting there like a blubbering idiot and he's got this look on his face like "what the heck is going on!?!" MEN!!!! When will they ever understand!?
happy anniversary
That was at 6p .. I hear nothing back. :( As it got time for him to be home, a good 20 minutes had passed and he still hadn't made it. I remember making up my bed (yeah I wait til the end of the day for that .. I'm bad I know) and thinking "I don't want to call ... maybe he's out buying me something!!" haha one can wish, right?
Before going on you should know .. a) Aunt Flow b) extreme exhaustion & c) tooth pain that only vicodin can handle, roll this into one and you've got a ticking time bomb. Just keep this in mind.
Well after changing the baby's diaper that the smell had filled up the whole room out into the hall, and dealing with two seven year olds fighting with each other, that whole thought went out the window and I got impatient. I called him asking where he was and I guess I had a tone to my voice and he wanted to know why I was freaking out on him. Why couldn't I be all "Hi honey how was your day? Are you on your way?" I bring up that why hadn't he called me back, that how did he not know what today was. I'm already starting to cry here - remember that time bomb? While on the phone he had mentioned that he hadn't ate anything all day, that it was really busy at work and was hoping maybe I had made him something. I didn't even think about this earlier while cleaning up and dealing with the kids, so as soon as I hung up I made something simple as tortillas with ham and cheese. It's one of his fave "dishes" and it was fast.
He comes home, strolls into the kitchen and looks over my shoulder and just makes a face. "I'm not hungry" Apparently, on his way home, he decided to treat himself to his own anniversary dinner - I guess I lost my invitation in the mail? Tacos from Taco Cabana, which so happens to be one of my favorite places .. Wait! You didn't hear that explosion? You had done forgot about the ticking time bomb already?!
I had long ago forgave him about forgetting our anniversary. There's really no use in trying to make him remember. He can call me and I barely miss his call, I return it within two minutes and he can't even remember why he had originally called me. But to stop and get something to eat ... and not bring me any?! Of course I'm sitting there like a blubbering idiot and he's got this look on his face like "what the heck is going on!?!" MEN!!!! When will they ever understand!?
Friday, October 14, 2011
Giveaway @ Laugh Love Lattes!
My real good friend Ashley over at Laugh Love Lattes have a really great giveaway going on. Another Ashley friend from Fancy-Designs is offering a lucky winner one of her Doodle Speaker designs. These are actually customizable and are very creative! Head over to LLL and check it out! :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Drawing a Blank
I hate when I sit at the computer and stare at that flashing cursor. It's like those pesky little kids sticking out their tongues yelling "neh neh neh neh boo boo", who came up with that anyway?
Ever since school started for the kids, I have been utterly - to the highest extreme - exhausted. Really. THAT bad. At the school they went to last year, I was able to sleep til at least 7:15 and then it was just getting them dressed and dropping them off. But now, it's getting up at 6:30 and getting them to the bus stop by, at least, 7:15. My little one has been kind to me and when he wakes up at 7:30-8:00, takes a bottle and goes right back to sleep. We sleep til about 11, and we're up from there.
But I've started back to school this semester, and I go to two classes on Tuesdays & Thursdays. I don't really find it that stressful, but I think the little stress I do have (when a paper is due, a speech is to be given, test days) is driving me crazy. I think just the fact of a small infant, three kids, a full-time job as a housewife just drains me. I have yet to fall into any kind of schedule .. I have a routine, only just what falls into place day to day. Since the baby has been born, and when we moved at the end of May, I cannot - for the life of me - find a routine! Cannot. And you would think I would just to relieve the everyday tension and hectic-ness. Who wants to be running around crazy everyday. I sure don't! But guess what! I DO!!
I read blogs all the time and the housewives seem so happy and peachy keen with everything. I'm not saying I'm not happy .. I'm just so tired!!!!
Ever since school started for the kids, I have been utterly - to the highest extreme - exhausted. Really. THAT bad. At the school they went to last year, I was able to sleep til at least 7:15 and then it was just getting them dressed and dropping them off. But now, it's getting up at 6:30 and getting them to the bus stop by, at least, 7:15. My little one has been kind to me and when he wakes up at 7:30-8:00, takes a bottle and goes right back to sleep. We sleep til about 11, and we're up from there.
But I've started back to school this semester, and I go to two classes on Tuesdays & Thursdays. I don't really find it that stressful, but I think the little stress I do have (when a paper is due, a speech is to be given, test days) is driving me crazy. I think just the fact of a small infant, three kids, a full-time job as a housewife just drains me. I have yet to fall into any kind of schedule .. I have a routine, only just what falls into place day to day. Since the baby has been born, and when we moved at the end of May, I cannot - for the life of me - find a routine! Cannot. And you would think I would just to relieve the everyday tension and hectic-ness. Who wants to be running around crazy everyday. I sure don't! But guess what! I DO!!
I read blogs all the time and the housewives seem so happy and peachy keen with everything. I'm not saying I'm not happy .. I'm just so tired!!!!
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